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What is Fat Freezing?

Cryolipolysis is one of the most popular methods of non-surgical body contouring and an ideal treatment option for those looking to sculpt and refine their figure.  

How does Fat Freezing Work?

Cryolipolysis is a targeted, super-cooling process, using a special vacuum applicator that lowers the treatment area to -8 degrees. Clinical studies show that fat cannot survive at this temperature and so it effectively freezes the fat cells underneath the skin to the point of elimination.

Due to the strength and effectiveness of our Fat Freezing treatments , a maximum of four Cryolipolysis treatments can be preformed in the same area over the period of 12 months. More than one area of concern can be treated during this period. Results are long term and the full effect of the treatment can be seen from 8-12 weeks. Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing is an extremely effective treatment for areas such as love handles, abdomen, hips, bra rolls, inner & outer thighs, chin and more.

Why Choose Cryolipolysis?

  • Non-surgical alternative to liposuction
  • Excellent for stubborn pockets of fat
  • Clinically proven and TGA approved
  • Safe and gentle treatment with no downtime, no surgery, no pain
  • No anaesthetic required
  • Long term results
  • We offer clients the chance to treat multiple areas in the one hour. Save time and double your fat freezing results. Target problem areas such as love handles, arms, bra rolls, above the knees, inner and outer thighs and more!

What Areas Can Be Treated?

  • Love Handles / Hips
  • Arms
  • Stomach / Upper and Lower Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Banana Rolls / Under the Buttocks
  • Inner and Outer Thighs
  • Submental “Double Chin”
  • Around the Knees
  • Bra Rolls / Back Fat
  • Chest “man boobs” (males only)

Q. Where does the fat go?

A. Cryolipolysis causes fat cells to crystallise and die through a sophisticated super cooling system. Studies show that fat cells are more sensitive to cold, than surrounding body cells, meaning no other cell is damaged in the process. Once the Cryolipolysis procedure is completed, the body then proceeds to absorb the damaged cells and eliminate them through normal metabolic process i.e the liver and lymphatic system over two to four months. The removal of fat is completely safe and natural.

Q. Can I return to normal life activities after my fat freezing treatment?

A. Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing is completely non-invasive, meaning no downtime is required. Normal every day activities can be resumed without any troubles, however we would advise against extreme heat on the areas being treated, for example infrared saunas and also other body contouring / laser hair removal treatments for at least 48 hours post treatment.

Q. How Long Does A Cryolipolysis Treatment Take?

A. Fat Freezing Treatment Times range between 30 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated. Smaller areas of the body such as the submental double chin area only require a 30 minute appointment. Larger areas of the body such as the stomach, love handles, arms, thighs and banana roll require up to 60 minutes. This walk in walk out procedure is so quick and easy it can even be performed in your lunch break!

Q. When will I start To See Results?

A. Clinical studies show, results of the Cryolipolysis Treatment take around 6-8 weeks to start to become visible. Some clients may however see results in as little as 4 weeks. The dead fat cells as a results of Cryolipolysis, continues to flush from the body for up to 6 months.

Q. Are The Results Permanent?

A. Similarly to surgical liposuction, the fat cells are actually removed from the body, for good! To maintain the results of your Cryolipolysis treatment, we recommend living a healthy, balanced lifestyle post treatment. 

Q. How Many Treatments Will I Need?

A. Every clients individual goals and needs are different. In order to determine how many sessions of Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing will be required, we offer complimentary consultations with our trained body contouring specialists. 

Q. Can I Treat Multiple Areas At Once ?

A. Popular areas to treat at the same time include stomach and inner thighs, love handles and outer thighs, stomach and arms, hips and bra rolls.

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